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Thursday 4 April 2019



描述和蘇南人 - 鐵密濟等由1165列為聖訓,在復活,阿拉·伊本·阿維Shayba當天,由529分鐘第三-Narrated她的肛門“在報導一男子與他的妻子和具有不做愛還有,你可以使用。
他們詢問月經。這是一個“他,我的妻子,直到你不關閉,他們在月經期間是純粹的無法訪問。如果他們有淨化自己,從那裡再真主誰給你發來給他們。其實,神悔改他曾經愛過和愛那些誰淨化自己。鋁Buqarah 2:222

  1. 你不必看你的女性器官如果發生性行為時不存在
  2. 沒有必要過度曝光條件不是必需的。在性生活的情況下,婦女可以讓他的手下,需要她的機構,露出整個身體。最好是覆蓋身體用毛毯,以保持謙虛。
  3. 當他初次見面,一個人必須滿足妻子的需要。

Are there any restrictions on sex between couples in Islam?

I will not allow Muslim people do not know this for people who are right for each other, but married to have sex with? Can be carried out between the couple Are there any restrictions on sexual behavior?
1 Answer

For Islam, it is limited to sex in. In fact, Islam is a very conservative about sex.
1. A man can approach his wife in any direction
 Your wife is a place of sowing of seed for you, so however you want to come to your place of cultivation has Define rules themselves. And I know that they will fear Him and find Him. And it offers good news to the believers. 2: 223
This section tells you to approach her in any direction you want. When the general was approaching from behind your wife a result of that, when the children, I think children need some kind of anomaly. Quran is simply a myth busted.
2. Anal sex is strictly prohibited
Although there is not a direct passage associated with it anal sex between a husband and wife are not allowed, but the general consensus among Sunni. This is not, as assumed in other places sex also is mentioned in the tafsir of the above verses do.
Proof here is prohibited in some hadiths 
Abu Hurairah, fortune and a book of omen, Sunan Abu Dawood, 3895.
Who himself when [the resort and he (as)) or believe the word on the version of the samurai in Teller] when she can menstruating () with his wife and sex according to the agreed version, or through her anus of He has a wife and sex has nothing to do with the information sent to Muhammad.
Describe and Sunan al - Tirmidhi, and the like by 1165 classified as sahih, on the Day of Resurrection, Allah ibn Avi Shayba, by a third of the 529 minutes -Narrated her anus "in reporting a man with his wife and having sex not as well as you can use.
3 sex during menstruation is forbidden
And they ask about menstruation. It's a "he, my wife is not accessible until you do not close and they are pure during menstruation. And if they have purified themselves, come to them from where then Allah who made for you. In fact, God repented him ever loved and loves those who purify themselves. Al Buqarah 2: 222
This clearly says that sexual intercourse is not allowed during menstruation. How is the Prophet who can still use it to rub his wife, but in a different way. But his wife does not allow her husband genital parts.
4. Sex is not allowed during fasting
Sex with your woman on the night of the fast, is made lawful for you. They are your cover, you cover for them ... During your stay in the mosque for I'tikaf not have sexual intimacy with them. Limit set by the Allah, so do not go near him. Therefore God shall specify his signs to the people that they may fear God. 2: 187
This simply refers not allowed during all types of sex are fasting. This also means that more can lead, do not allow contact with some satisfaction for that may be the cause of sin. Because of his strong desire it may be limited Elderly comfortable. This verse was revealed to have sex during Ramadan night. Because before the whole month of Ramadan, sex is not allowed. When this verse was revealed to change the rules and thats one sahabi mistakes.

Here it is debatable. Try more authentic than other people while opening tends to maintain humility.
Humility Group
  1. You need not look at your female organs if it does not exist during sex
  2. There is no need for excessive exposure condition is not required. In the case of sex, the women could allow his men her agency is required to expose the entire body. It is best to cover the body with a blanket to keep humble.
  3. When his initial meeting a man must meet his wife's needs.
The Open Group
Group 1 oral pleasures are not accepted more open group. I personally think that if you're not into it, do not do it. If you are slightly inclined and you will it please your partner needs you think you can break the rules. But keep at least himself. Since there is no associated direct the hadith, and so it should be safe. Many things will be subject to proactive in Sunni Islam. They are not prohibited for safety reasons, we do not. If you think the type of person who provides room for him.
Almighty knows best.
SORCE: Islamic Beta