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Thursday 14 July 2016

Rights and Duties of Husband

Rights and Duties of Husband-Wife in Islamic marriage.

God created human beings in pairs (male and female) are in accordance with the word of God, which means that each creature creations in the universe is in pairs. They must require each other to allow normal life in the universe.

Thus it has become human nature to live with his partner. Allah  has established rules to allow conjugal relationship legally and also set rules on how the responsibility of   each as husband and wife.

Liability Wife And Husband Became Rights

In addition to having the right to be fulfilled by a husband , a wife also have an obligation to meet the manner of the husband. Rights of the husband over his wife is very broad. 

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam describes that, if the husband had cuts or sores, then licking his wounds by wife, then it is not enough to fulfill the right of the husband. [2]  Therefore, should the wife earnestly obey her husband. Cause that obedience can send her to heaven. 

Some of the rights that must be met by the husband and wife  as follows.

 1. Listen  and obey all the things that are commanded by the husband as long as it does not conflict with Islamic  law.
However, should the wife be careful not to go overboard in obeying the husband, if the direction is immoral. Because, if dealt with then wife also sinned. For example, obey her husband to pull the hair on the face (eyebrows, eyelashes or other hairs) in order to beautify themselves is prohibited. 

Because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam cursed the women who tear and ask revoked his facial hair. [3] Do not even obey her husband if asked to remove the veil when out of the house and shook hands with non-mahram.

Some husbands do this for the sake of beauty show in front of his audience. Wal'iyadzu billah . Wife also can not obey her husband if asked to have sex when he was in a state of menstruation. All of these are things forbidden by law.

 2. Maintain the honor and glory of her husband, and with regard to property and child 

Sholehah women, is that they obey Allah preserve self again when her husband was not there, because God has kept (them).

 "[Surah An-Nisa]: is a leader who is responsible for the home and children. It will be held accountable for it. " [4]

 3. Decorative and beautifying herself in front of her husband. Always showing a smile face, cheerful and not surly. Do not reveal anything that would be hated by husband.

Women are please you when they see fit, obey if ordered to, and take care of himself and his possessions when you are not there. " [5]

Again, keep in mind, ornate to beautify themselves for their husbands, and not for others. Rather was now more women are jeweled as pretty as when you want  out of the house, instead while at home and in front of husband jeweler is not emphasized by most wives. It is as said by some like the monkey at home, but a deer while on the streets.

And fear Allah, O servants of Allah in matters relating to you and your husband. The husband is the most deserving of jewelry and beauty. Do not expose jewelry to anyone who is not allowed to see it, because it includes exchanged genitalia banned. " [6]

4. Stay and not leave the house except with the permission of the husband, even though it's going to the mosque. 

وقرن in Wadi بيوتكن "And stay in your houses .." [Surah Al-Ahzab: 33]

Wife whose always stay at home will be hider to be a matters of slanders. As a factor of attractive by other man, ladies whose go out the house and not accord by their husband, a lot of possibilities will happen in term of their safety.

 5. Do not allow others to enter the house except with the permission of their husband.

This is often true even for fellow women and kindred. Because, can be a person that  husband does not like , the people we bring into between your right on your wife right someone you hate that set foot in your house, and do not allow those who hate you have in your house. " [7]

 6. Keep the property of her husband, not spend it except with the permission of  husband.

Money given by the husband on a monthly basis to manage household expenses should be used for the purposes of family expenses. It applies the death decree whim to buy a variety of items desired by the wife without the prior permission of the husband. Unless the money given by the husband to specific personal expenses of wife.

7. Fasting when their husbands are at home, unless

Un lawful for a wife to fasting (circumcision) while her husband was at home, unless her husband permits. " [8]

8. Not to mention in front of her husband's expenses coming from private property of the wife.

mentioning of administration may be removed reward . Moreover, it will offend people believe, do not get rid of (the reward) charity by reminders of your generosity and hurt (feelings of the recipient) .. "[Surah Al-Baqarah: 264]

9. Pleased to grant her husband a little, qanaah with existing, as well as not to burden her husband with a living who can not afford it

Man of means spend according to his means. And the man whose resources are restricted, let him spend according to what Allah has given him. Allah puts no burden on any person other than (just) what Allah has given him. Allah will vouchsafe, after hardship, ease. "[Surah Ath-Divorces: 7]

10. Educating the children well and be patient ,

Do not scold her children in front of their husbands, do not pray for children with disadvantages, and do not taunt them . Because, it can interfere with husband and add to the problem of a wife disturbing her husband in the world except his wife from among the angels will say: Do not disturb him, God will fight you, surely it is only a temporary deposit at your side, and will soon be parted then back to us. " [9]

11. Bermuamalah (good communication) well to the parents and relatives of the husband.

It also includes a form of doing good to her husband. A wife is not considered to have been kind to her husband as long as he does not communicate  well to parents and relatives of the husband. Islamic law is bad to be able to hurt her husband.

12.  Wife should not refuse to have sex when husband desire.

Husband took his wife to fulfill his desire so go though the wife while she is on cooking. " [10]

 13. Keeping secrets secret husband and her household.
Wife can not spread the household secrets to anyone. Among the most important secret that women taking it easy in the pass is confidential intercourse or bed. the wife should be able to hold his tongue out of habit "dipped". If there is a problem, should be completed at home, without the need to be known by others.

 14. Eager to fulfill all the rights of the husband and take care of domestic life with her ​​husband .
A wife should not seek divorce for no reason. Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa wife asked for a divorce to her husband for no apparent reason, then banned him smell heaven. " [11]

But if her husband was not responsible as not feed their inner and outward sufficiently to his wife. And that should be discussed with a husband with a good and frank way, after some discussion with the husband has done but still have not made ​​changes to correct his mistakes. Then it can be asked for advice from family-law (mother or father-in-law). If this effort is also no solution, then allowed his wife to get advice from Khadi. The above mentioned points are the rights of a husband over his wife. Obligatory for the wife to earnestly fulfill these rights. The wife shall also be notified if the husband has a limited ability to meet the wife. With this and the love and domestic life would last, and would give the atmosphere of social relations in society.

Wife also shall have the right skills in the disposition providing education to their sons and daughters. Thus the science of managing a household be learned during her teens and intends to settle down, because the science is very important to achieve the goal of all women who wish to marry to get an ideal husband and a happy home until to the end of life.


Reference / footnote:
  1. Dr. Abdul-Azhim Badawi. 1421H / 2001M. Al-Wajiz fi Fiqh as-Sunnah wal-Kitab al-Aziz . Egypt: Dar Ibn Rajab. ( The main reference, adapted from here )
  2. HR Ahmad No. 12614
  3. HR Al-Bukhari No. 4886, Muslim No. 2125
  4. HR Al-Bukhari No. 2554, Muslim No. 1829
  5. HR Ath-Thabrani No. 386
  6. Quoted by Dr. Abdul-Azhim Badawi, p. 307
  7. Narrated by al-Tirmidhi No. 1163
  8. HR Al-Bukhari No. 5195, Muslim No. 1026
  9. Narrated by al-Tirmidhi No. 1174
  10. Narrated by al-Tirmidhi No. 1160
  11. Narrated by al-Tirmidhi No. 1187, Abu Dawud No. 2226, Ibn Majah No. 2055

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