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Saturday 3 October 2015



It is hard to live with a serious illness. You may feel lonely, angry, scared, or sad. You may feel that your treatment is doing more harm than good. You may have pain or other disturbing symptoms. Palliative care can help you and your loved ones cope with all of these things.

Palliative care is a kind of care for people who have serious illnesses. It is different from care to cure your illness, called curative treatment. Palliative care focuses on improving your quality of life-not just in your body, but also in your mind and spirit. Sometimes palliative care is combined with curative treatment. Palliative care is most likely the way of Islamic teach how to treat any illness, we must treat with total approaches and the most important factors that will boost up human wellness is their spiritual and soul wellness by improving our relationship with Allah.

The kind of care you get depends on what you need. Your goals guide your care. Palliative care can help reduce pain or treatment side effects. Palliative care may help you and your loved ones better understand your illness, talk more openly about your feelings, or decide what treatment you want or do not want. It can also help with communication among your doctors, nurses, and loved ones.
Our approaches of palliative care also include the understanding of our self and relationship with the Creator. Allah. We will use the Islamic faith and teach to ensure our soul and mind are very closed to Allah. Whose Great Creator that give our mind peace, happy living, and the health condition of our biological structure. And finally Allah that fix our life line to the death and the day after the death. The final chapter of human life that will be in the haven of hell.  To achieved this we will use the concept of Pondok Moden lifestyle, this mean we must plan our daily lifestyle is most likely the way our Prophet Muhammad SAW teach us to do  so, in other words we must folloe the  sunnah.

How can I work with a palliative care team?
Good communication is a large part of palliative care. Your palliative care providers will encourage you to listen to your feelings and to talk about what is most important to you. They will also try to explain things to you and your loved ones in ways you can understand. Then they will work with your primary care doctor to make sure that your care is meeting your goals, such as managing disturbing symptoms or making future plans.
You may talk about anything and everything during a palliative care visit, including:
  • Treatment.
  • Pain and medicine side effects.
  • Emotional and social challenges, such as helping your family get along better.
  • Spiritual concerns.
  • Goals and dreams.
  • Hospice care.
  • Advance directives. Advance directives are instructions to your doctor and loved ones about what kind of care you want if you become unable to speak for yourself.
Frequently Asked Questions
Learning about palliative care:

Receiving palliative care:

Why would I want palliative care?

Palliative care providers are interested in what is bothering you and what is important to you. They want to know how you and your loved ones are doing day-to-day. They understand that your illness affects not just you, but also those you love.

Your palliative care providers will ask questions about how your illness affects your emotions and spirit. Then they will try to make sure that your medical care meets your goals for your body, mind, and spirit. They will also help you make future plans around your health and medical care.
You might see a palliative care provider just once or maybe more often. He or she will work with your other doctors to give you the best care possible.

Who is involved in palliative care?

Palliative care actively involves you and your loved ones. Together you will work with health care providers in your doctor's office or your home, or in a hospital, nursing home. If you are interested in palliative care, talk with your doctor. He or she may be able to manage your palliative care needs or may refer you to someone who is trained in palliative care.

Many hospitals now have palliative care teams. These teams often include palliative care doctors, nurses, and social workers. The teams may also include spiritual advisors, dietitians, occupational therapists, pharmacists, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, and volunteers.

It's hard to have good days when being sick makes you feel sad, lonely, uncomfortable, or scared. Your quality of life can suffer, not just in your body, but also in your mind and spirit.

Palliative care is the field of medicine that helps give you more good days by providing care for those quality-of-life issues. It includes treating symptoms like pain, nausea, or sleep problems. But it can also include helping you and your loved ones to:

  • Understand your illness better.
  • Talk more openly about your feelings.
  • Decide what treatment you want or don't want.
  • Communicate better with your doctors, nurses, and each other.
Hospice care is a type of palliative care. But it's for people who are near the end of life. Here's how the two kinds of care are different.

What kinds of care are involved?
Palliative care: This is treatment to help you feel better physically, emotionally, and spiritually while doctors also treat your illness. It can include care such as pain relief, counseling, or nutrition advice.
Hospice care: Again, the goal is to help you feel better and to get the most out of the time you have left. But you no longer get treatment to try to cure your illness.
When does the care happen?
Palliative care: This care can happen at any time during a serious illness. You don't have to be near death to get this care.
Hospice care: In most cases, you can choose hospice care when your doctor believes that you have no more than about 6 months to live.
Where does the care happen?
Palliative care: This type of care can be provided wherever you're being treated for your illness. You can get it in the hospital, at your doctor's office, in a nursing home, and even in your home.
Hospice care: Most hospice care is done in the place the patient calls "home." This is often the person's home. But it could also be a place like a nursing home or retirement center. And hospice care may also be given in hospice centers, hospitals, or other facilities.

Who provides the care?

Palliative care: There are doctors and nurses who specialize in this field. But your own doctor may also provide some of this care. And there are many other types of experts who may help you, like social workers, counselors, therapists, and nutrition experts.

Hospice care: In hospitals, hospice centers, and other facilities, care is provided by doctors, nurses, and others who specialize in hospice care. In the home, a family member is usually the main caregiver. But the family member gets help from care experts who are on call 24 hours a day.

How is the care paid for?

Palliative care: Most health insurance covers palliative care. But the amount of coverage may vary.

Hospice care: Health insurance usually covers hospice care. It's also covered by Medicare and Medicaid. You are eligible for hospice care regardless of your ability to pay.

How Palliative Care Can Help You

Palliative care can help you feel better as a whole person-in your body, mind, and spirit. It helps you focus on "the big picture" of your life. Palliative care includes your family and loved ones.

Sometimes talking with someone who is not a friend or family member can help you see more clearly. This person could be a palliative care provider.

It is important to talk about your goals and wishes sooner rather than later. That way, you, your loved ones, and your doctors know what you want. If you choose, you can be a part of every decision about your care.

Palliative care works best with open communication. Try to focus on what you can do to improve communication with your palliative care provider. If you do not understand what is being said, ask questions until you do. You may want to write down your questions before your appointment or to bring a loved one to your appointment. Important questions to ask include:

    What is my diagnosis?
    What are my treatment options?
    What are the side effects of these treatments?
    What do you think will happen if I choose not to treat my illness?
    How long do you think I have to live?
    How soon do I need to make a decision about which treatment to use (or to not use)?
    How will my illness and care affect my loved ones?

You might talk about many things during a palliative care visit, including:

Treatment. You get to decide how well your treatment is working and if you want to continue it. Maybe you really want to see your grandson graduate, so you decide to continue treatment even though it makes you feel sick. Or maybe you prefer to stop or limit treatment because you would rather focus on the quality of your life rather than the length of your life.

Pain and treatment side effects Pain and treatment side effects. You may think you have to live with side effects or pain. But a palliative care doctor can often prescribe medicines to help with these. All types of treatment have pros and cons, but you can work with your doctor to find the right mix of medicines for you.


Khasiat Air Kelapa Muda Untuk Kesihatan

Khasiat Air Kelapa Muda Untuk Kesihatan

Air kelapa muda  adalah sejenis minuman kegemaran ramai, lebih-lebih lagi di musim panas. Sekrang ini hidangan air kelapa muda dipelbagaikan dengan campuran aiskrim, dan air kelapa jeli.
Jika dihalusi tetang bagaiman air kelapa yang diciptkan Allah dapati memberi manafaat kepada manusia, memperlihatkan beta Maha Pencipta Nya Allah. Setiap sesuatu yang dicipta itu ada khasiatnya dan dapat memberi manafaat kepada manusia dan makhluk-makhluk lain di dunia ini.
Dikalangan nenek moyang kita dahulu sememangnya air kelapa telah dijadikan ubat dan penawar untuk pelbagai penyakit. Kegunaan sebagai ubat penawar oleh nenek moyang kita dahulu  berdasarkan pengamatan dan pengalaman mereka dalam menggunakan air kelapa muda sebagai penawar.

Diantara khasiat Air Kelapa Muda adalah seperti berikut:

1. Membantu untuk meningkatkan kadar metabolisme seseorang.
2. Boleh dijadikan sebagai minuman diet. Ia kerana khasiatnya juga turut membantu untuk mengurangkan berat badan seseorang.
3. Membantu untuk menyejukkan tubuh seseorang dan menormalkan suhu didalam badan.
4. Membantu untuk menyahtoksik dan juga melawan kuman didalam tubuh anda.
5. Merupakan ejen pengangkut khasiat seperti nutrien dan oksigen ke sel tubuh seseorang.
6. Mampu untuk menambahkan lagi kandungan air dalam badan dan mengelakkan daripada tubuh anda terhidrasi. Boleh juga dijadikan minuman tenaga.
7. Boleh digunakan sebagai rawatan sembelit. Ini kerana khasiatnya membantu untuk membersihkan laluan sistem pencernaan seseorang dan mengelakkan daripada tersumbat.
8. Apabila seseorang bersenam, tubuh mereka akan mengeluarkan air dari dalam badan (peluh), air kelapa boleh dijadikan minuman berkhasiat untuk menambah semula kandungan air didalam badan anda.
9. Kajian saintifik juga menunjukkan khasiat air kelapa mampu untuk mengawal penyakit diabetis.
10. Meningkatkan sistem imunisasi didalam badan mereka. Khasiat ini berguna untuk melawan penyakit.
11. Kajian saintifik juga menunjukkan khasiat air kelapa mampu untuk mengawal penyakit diabetis.
12. Membantu tubuh melawan panyakit selesema, demam dan juga AIDS.
13. Membantu merawat penyakit buah pinggang dan juga batu karang.
14. Membantu untuk melancarkan lagi peredaran darah didalam tubuh seseorang.

Ini memperlihatkan betapa hebatnya khasiat air kelapa muda untuk manusia, oleh itu petua datuk nenek kita dahulu perlu diteliti secara saintifik untuk membuktikan ianya amat berguna kepada manusia sebagai penawar dan minuman kesihatan. Lagipun ia mudah di perolehi di mana sahaja di Bandar dan desa.


Friday 2 October 2015

NILAI SEDEKAH SETEGUK AIR - intipati khutbah Jumaat.


Ikhwan Muslimin,

Marilah kita sama-sam menyahut seruan taqwa,  bertaqwa itu hanya bertaqwa hanya semata-mata kepada Allah jua. Sebab itulah nilainya tersendiri dan ganjarannya tersendiri. Taqwa adalah amat luas tetapi boleh sahaja disimpulkan sebagai apa-apa jua perbuatan, perkataan dan niat yang baik yang disukai atau diredhai oleh Allah, maka itulah dia taqwa. Sebaliknya apa-apa jua yang  dilarang atau dibenci oleh Allah, maka itulah namanya durhaka lawan kepada taqwa.

Taqwa walau Cuma sekadar seteguk air yang disumbangkan, harganya adalah tetap mahal disisi Allah. Menuru maksud sebuah riwayat hadis, pada hari kiamat kelak, semua kita ini akan berdiri di Padang Mahsya, Allah akan memanggil kita seorang demi seorang untuk menjalani hisaba atau peperiksaan. Apabila didapati tidak terdapat kebajikan untuk memasukkan kita ke dalam syurga, maka kita pun akan dibawa ke neraka.(minta dijauhkan).

Sedang dalam perjalanan ke neraka, kita tiba-tiba ternampak seorang hamba yang soleh, yang mendapat nikmat dari sisi Allah. Dia pernah kita kenali di dunia dahulu, maka kitapun menyapa dengan berkata “ Wahai pulan, tidakah engkau mengenali saya ?’ kita terus berakata lagi “ adapun saya adalah orang yang pernah memberi minum sedikit air ketika di atas dunia, maka mohon tolong saya (tolong perakukan saya0 kepada Allah.

Lalu hamba yang soleh pun menajat kepada Allah dan berkata “ wahai tuhanku, sesungguhnya hamba mu itu telah memberi sedikit minuman air ketia di atas dunia, maka mohon diizinkan aku supaya dapat menolongnya”.

Firman Allah yang bermaksud : “ Memang aku telah pun pengizinkan mu untuk memberi pertolongan kepadanya”. Maka bolehlah dia dan keran sedekahnya (berupa  seteguk air itu) dia dimasukkan ke syurga”.

Hanya seteguk air, saudara ! seseorang calun neraka tidak jadi masuk neraka, sebaliknya dengan pertolongan orang yang pernah diberi minum seteguk air ketika di atas dunia telah membolehkannya untuk masuk syurga dengan izin Allah.

Oleh itu jangan anggap sedekah yang sedikit itu tidak bermakna  apa-apa. Walau seteguk air, walau sebelah buah kurma, ia tetap bemakna dan bernilai disisi Allah , bahkan ia juga mampu untuk menjadi penyelamat diakhirat dengan izin Allah.

Sehubungan itu marilah kita amalkan sedekah pada setiap masa, dengan tulus ikhlas untuk membantu orang dalam kesusahan dan yang memerlukan. Semoga dia akan dapat memberi manafaat kepada kita di akhirat kelak.


Sumber: Petikan khutbah Jumaat MAIK.