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Friday 1 January 2016



Everyone wants to live with a provision of abundant discharge, live in luxury and always have the money to spend everything they need in life. Thus a large number of people we are working hard day and night to pursue their livelihood.
Sometimes we delay the prayer because at that time was quite brisk business activities such as what happened in the night markets. In fact, there are not strong in the faith continues to leave the maghrib prayer for fear of losses. This is the nature of people who are not so confident with the condition that the provision of our God is with Allah. Although we have tried with all his might  but if not allowed providence of God we shall not be increased.
Though Allah. has guaranteed the sustenance of his creatures. "And no creature on earth but Allah is its provision, and He knows its place of dwelling and place of storage. All is in a Clear Book (Lawh Mahfuz) "(QS. Hud 6).

Allah Almighty. warned, "The devil promises (scare) you with poverty and orders you to commit evil (miser); Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is the area (his gift), Knowing "(QS. Al Baqarah 268)

Therefore estuary which says it is difficult to make a living in  variable with a more optimistic attitude and belief that Allah the Merciful. We need to change the mindset to make a living by saying, "In this world of His grace abound. Allah Almighty. All-Sufficient. The world will not run out of honest living, why were illegal? "Our obligation is to make extraordinary efforts to find his gifts. Therefore, we do not know how God in His providence ration for us. Here are some practices that can open the doors of the things which were taught God and His apostles: 

1. Increase Istighfar (PRAISE TO ALLAH)

He said, "And I (Noah, Ed.) Told them, 'Ask forgiveness (forgiveness) to your Lord. Truly, He is Oft-forgiving, He will send rain to you in abundance, and augment wealth and your children, hold you and hold gardens (also in it) for you rivers "(Surah Nuh 10-12). 

Al Qurtubi interpret, "In the verses above, there is evidence to show that forgiveness is one of the means of grace and sustenance rain." Prophet. said, "Whoever reproduce seek forgiveness He will be replacing the narrow exit, every grief into relief, and God will provide for him and no direction unexpectedly" (HR. Abu Dawud).

2. Be cautious

"Those who fear Allah, He will make a way out for him. And (He) gave sustenance and direction no expectation "(QS. Divorces Ath 2-3). Ibn Kathir interprets, "This means that, for those who fear Allah -with do what he commanded and what is forbidden to leave Him- He will provide a way out and no sustenance and direction of the unexpected directions that never crossed his mind. "

3. Trust in Allah Almighty.

"What if you put hope true God surely you will have abundance as sustenance to the birds. They left early in the morning hungry and come home late in the evening in a state of satiety "(HR. Ahmad, Tirmidhi). Resignation means sincerity in reliance on Allah. to get the benefit and prevent harm both the business world and the hereafter.

4. Diligently worship 

The Prophet. said, "He says, 'O son of Adam! Fully serve me. I will fulfill your (hearts that are) in the chest with wealth and fill the needs. If you do not, I will fulfill your hands with busy and I do not meet your needs (people) "(HR. Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Ibn Majah).

5. Pilgrimage and Umrah

"Go on pilgrimage to Umrah because they eliminate poverty and sins as the fire can get rid of rust, gold, and silver. And there is no reward except the pilgrims who mabrur heaven "(HR. Ahmad, Timidzi, Nasa'i).

6. Many bersilaturahim or keep friendship.

The Prophet. said, "Who wants to vast open of  provision and finalized its term (long life) then let him connect string friendship" (HR. Bukhari).

7. Many Sadaqah ( a lot of gift)

"And whatsoever ye spend, Allah will replace it, and He is the Provider, as well as possible" (QS. Saba 39). 

Ibn Kathir interprets, "No matter how little you spend from what Allah has commanded you, and what allowed him, He will replace it in this world and in the hereafter you will be rewarded and rewarded."

The Prophet. in the hadith Qudsi said, "Allah Almighty. said, 'O son of Adam, spend, I will gift (provides for) unto you "(HR. Abu Daud).

8. provide for prosecution of

Anas bin Malik said, "There were two brothers at the time of the Prophet. One study in the assembly of the Prophet., While the other works. Then his brother, who worked it complained to the Prophet. (Because they give maintenance to his brother). Then the Prophet. said, "I hope you are fed by being" (HR. Tirmidhi, al-Hakim).

9. Helping People Weak (poor)

Prophet. said, "Help those who are weak because you are given sustenance and helped the poor because of you" (HR. Muslim, An Nasai).

10. Finally, in the way of God
"Those who emigrated in the way of Allah, will find on earth a place of refuge and abundance ..." (QS. An Nisa 100). (from various sources)

Conclusion that action some of us who work hard to earn that much income we neglect prayer and other acts of charity is a less accurate. Such action occur tap our ignorance and we are haunted by the fear of lost livelihood. While the right action is priority to  prayers and acts of worship to Allah first and then we seek lawful on this earth, we also need to increase charity and helping people in distress. God willing the things which God has promised will come without cause when it's probably time we need it.

The author's personal experience, the provision will come into its own during this yourself closer to Allah and worship shall give priority to such prayers in congregation in the early hours five times a day. Never happened in the absence of money, we continue feeding the donation and any time there is only souce that allows money we donate less because it increases exponentially.


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