Every Muslim who adhere to the teachings of religion, will
undoubtedly surah Al-Fatihah to be
memorize. Al-Fatihah is that in 7’s
sentences, shall be read in prayer five times a day. Children are educated by
Muslim families from childhood been trained to memorize Surah Al-Fatihah. This
is a general chapter which is always read by all Muslims in the world every day
in the region over the centuries and it will continue until the Day of
Resurrection. God willing.
Al-Fatiha means "opening" is derived from the
fatiha-yaftahu which means "open something for success or victory."
As the name implies, this is the opening chapter of the Book of the Koran,
which consists of 30 chapters and 114 Surah. Al-Fatihah only consist of seven
(7) sentences whose content is the essence of the whole Qur'anh. As it is also
called Umm Al-Quran (Koran parent) or Mother of the Book (Al-Kitab parent).
Surah Al-Fatihah (The Opening) revealed in Mecca is the first surah revealed in
detail between the existing chapters in the Koran and among the Makkah surah.
Seven verses that Read privilege Repeatedly:
Although all Muslims
read and memorized surah Al-Fatihah, but still many people who do not
understand its meaning. Most Muslims who read surah Al-Fatihah just
read simply because it required every time someone is praying. Rarely
understand and implied teaching and
meaning of this chapter. But by understanding its contents is also understand
the outline of the teachings of the Koran. There is really no reason not to
understand the meaning of Surah Al-Fatihah for easy translation of the Koran We
find, as are books that discuss many of these chapters we have encountered.
This is the translation of Surah Al-Fatihah:
"In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of hosts. Most Gracious, Most
Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we
seek. Show us the straight path, (ie) the people which thou hast bestowed upon
them; not the (path) of their wrath and not (also road) they are misguided.
" (Al-Fatihah: 1-7)
Because Surah Al-Fatihah is the parent of all the contents
of the Koran, every Muslim is required to read in every time performing their
prayers. Hence is also called As Sab'ul matsaany (seven repeated) because the
verse seven and read over and over again in every prayer we either obligatory
or sunnah five hours. Allaah says about it,
We have given you seven verses over and over and the great
Qur'an. (Al-Hijr: 87)
About relations with Al-Fatihah prayer, the Prophet Muhammad
sallallaahu alaihi wa Sallam Shollallahu alaihi wa sallam said, "No prayer
for those who have not read the opening of Al-Kitab (Surah Al-Fatihah) (HR.
Bukhari and Muslim).
Furthermore, in Sahih Muslim from Abu Hurairah
radhiyallahu'anhu of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said,
"Whoever does not read the prayer that the Holy Mother in his prayers
limp-three times-that is imperfect." Then asked to Abu Hurairah, "If
we are behind the imam, how?" He answered, "Read for yourself,
because I heard the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"Allah said: 'I divide the prayer (Al-Fatihah) between
Me and My servant into two parts. And My servant will receive what he asked
for. ' If his reading , 'Alhamdulillahi Lord of' Alamin ' , then Allah will
say,' My servant has praised Me. ' If he read, 'Ar Rahmanirrahim' then Allah
will say, 'My servant praised me'. If he read, 'Maliki yaumid din' He said, 'My
servant glorify me'. Then God said, 'My servant has resigned to Me'. If he read
, 'Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in' He said, 'This is the part of me and part
of my servants. And my servant will surely get his request. '. and if he read,
'Ihdinash shirathal mustaqim, shirathalladziina an'amta' alaihim Ghairil
maghdhubi 'alaihim wa ladh Dallin " Allah said,' This shall be my servant,
and he will get what he wants. '
Surah Al-Fatihah was also named the "Ash Shifa" ,
which means Healers. A companion of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam
never cure the sick poison stung by this chapter. Alhamdulillah with Allah
idzin healed.
Narrated Abu Said Al dai-Hudri ra:
'Indeed, some of the companions of the Prophet came to a
village of Arabs and the villagers did not welcome him, all of them together,
then the head of their village stung by poisonous, they asked: "Are you
able to cure?" They replied: "Because you do not we entertain, we can
treat you from there his wages. " so they promised reward was a goat. Then
a friend of the Mother reading Qur'an (Al-Fatiha), and he collected his saliva
and spitting (wound stung). Then head of village was healed and he was awarded
a goats. The friend said: "We do not take it before asking him Shollallahu
alaihi wa sallam." So we asked him and he laughed. And the Prophet said:
"Do you know the Al-Fatihah be for healing, take reward and give me
Summary content of Al-Fatihah
The first verse called Basmallah, namely
Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim ( In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
). Meaning: I begin to read al-Fatiha In the name of Allah the Most Gracious
and the Most Merciful. Any good work, should begin with the name of Allah, such
as eating, drinking, slaughtering animals and so on. Allah is the name of the
Holy One, worthy of worship in truth, that does not require his creatures, but
creatures who need Him. Ar Rahmaan (the Most Gracious): one of the names of God
that gives the sense that God's gracious to His creatures, are ar Raheem (the
Most Merciful) gives the sense that God always has compassion which led him
always bestow His Mercy on His creatures.
Alhamdu lillahi robbil 'worlds (praise be to Allah the Lord
of the Worlds) . People are praised because He was doing a good deed by will
alone. He praised Allah means: extol Him as a good deeds. As with gratitude
that means: recognizing the primacy of one's blessings that it provides. We
bring praise to God because God is the source of all goodness praiseworthy.
Rabb (Lord) means: God is obeyed Who Owns, Educating and
Nurturing. Pronunciation Rabb can not be used for other than Allah, except if
there is connection, such as rabbul bytes (host). 'Alamiin (hosts): all created
by God, which consists of various types and kinds, such as: the nature of man,
animal, nature plants, inanimate objects, and so on. God the creator of all
beings in the universe.
"O mankind, worship your Lord who created you and those
before you so that you are cautious. He Who has made the earth a bed for you and
the sky a canopy, and He sent down water from the sky and then the blessing of
the water of God grow a variety of fruits as a sustenance for you, then you do
not set up rivals to Allah when ye know . "(QS. Al-Baqarah: 21-22)
'Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim' (the Most Gracious, Most Merciful) are
two names of God that shows one of the attributes of God is mercy (compassion).
Ar Rahman belongs to the category name of God that can only be used to refer to
God. The name Ar Rahim has been mentioned in the Qur'an can use to call him
other than the Qur'an according to information about the nature of the Prophet
Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
"It has come to you a messenger from among you, droop
him what a burden you, and he was excited to give it good for you, and he's
very gentle and love people who believe." (QS. At Tawbah: 128 )
Ibn Kathir said when explaining the interpretation basmalah
at the beginning of surah Al-Fatihah, "The conclusion that can be drawn is
part of the name of Allah is used to name other than his, and some can only be
used to name Himself-such as the name of Allah , Ar-Rahman, Al Khaliq, Ar-Raziq
and so forth. "
'Maliki yaumid din' (King's Mastering the Day of Judgment )
shows obligations believe in faith mulkiyah . Allaah is the Rabb of everything
and the Superintendent or his king. All of the heavens and the earth and
whatever is between them belong to Him. He is the King who rules the world and
the hereafter. Allah Almighty says,
"Owned God of the heavens and the earth and all that is
in them, and He has power over all things." (Al-Ma'idah: 120).
"Glory to God in the hands of His kingdom and He has
power over all things." (Al-Mulk: 1).
"Say; Who is in His hands is the dominion over all
things, He protects, and none can be protected from punishment, if you really
know? They will say, 'Allah'. Say; So do not err on the side. "(QS. Al
Mu'minun: 88-89)
Believe Tauhidullah (oneness of Allah) there are four verses
Al-Fatihah, which stated unequivocally that praise and thanksgiving for a favor
it for God, because God is the Creator and the source of all the blessings
found in nature.
Among the delights it is: create delicious, delicious
educate and grow, because the word Lord in word Rabbul-'aalamiin not only means
the Creator of the universe , but also implies tarbiyah that educate, organize,
organize and grow. This shows that all the blessings that are seen by a person
in itself and in all of nature is derived from God, because He is the Almighty
in the universe. Education, care and growth by God in nature and must be
observed by human thought deeply, so that it becomes a source of various kinds
of knowledge that can add to the grandeur of human beliefs and glory of God,
and useful to society.
Al-Fatihah focused belief in the Last Day, the Day of
Judgment when people accountable for all his actions. Referred to as the King
of the King Day of Judgment is the day that God is powerful, everything is
subject to His greatness while hoping for favors and fear of punishment. It
contains the meaning of the promise to reward the good deeds and sins against
the threat of bad deeds
Because faith (monotheism), it is a fundamental problem,
then in Surat Al-Fatiha is not quite covered by the signal, but confirmed and
complemented by paragraph 5, namely: Iyyaaka na'budu wa iyyaka Nasta'in (only
you who has we worship, and to you alone we ask for help). This tawhidul
observance of slavery, servitude, and submission is purely directed to God.
Na'budu taken from the Abida-ya'budu worship is obedience and submission raised
with the hearts and minds of the greatness of God, who is worshiped as a god,
because believes that God has absolute power against him. Nasta'in (for help),
drawn from the word isti'aanah : expect help to be able to complete a job that
can not be done with its own energy.
The general chapter also teaches us to pray to God. Praying
must begin with praise Allah with all the glory, glorifying His names and expressed
readiness to faith in worship and acknowledge God as the place to ask. The best
prayer is to seek God's guidance instructions Straight Path Road is happiness
and how it should be the path to happiness in both worlds. The
"guidance" here is the guidance of a failure by security reason, good
fortune, good that's morals and beliefs, laws and other subjects of the science
of God contained in the Qur'an. He said,
Surely this Qur'an gives guidance to the (road) is more
straight and give glad tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that for
them there is great reward. (Al-Isra: 17)
And thus have We inspired in thee (of the Qur'an) by Our
command. You knew not what is the Book (Qur'an), nor what is Faith? But We have
made the Qur'an a light whereby We guide whom We will of Our servants. And thou
(Muhammad) really give guidance to the straight path. (As-Syuraa: 52)
The phrase, "Ihdinash shirathal musataqiim" (Guide
us to the straight path) as the main demands of every Muslim to his Lord. The
demand is not ego because not for themselves but for jamatul muslimiin that
Muslims as a whole. Apply the best in life is to seek guidance favor of a value
far exceeds the needs and desires of others on Earth .. Nothing is more
important than life indicators, as specified Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa
sallam to friends Ali bin Abi Talib;
"And if Allah
give guidance to a person because of you, it is better how you of the world and
everything in it" (HR. Muslim)
Shirotol Mustaqim ( the straight path) and follow "Shirathalladzinaa An'aam talaihim"
( The path of those whom Thou has
bestowed favors.)
And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (His), they would
be together with people who are endowed by God's favor, namely: the prophets,
the saints, the martyrs, and the righteous. And they are the best of friends.
(An-Nisa: 69)
Then confirmed also that the road "groiril maghduubi
alayhim Walad-dhooliiin ". ( Not the path of those who earn Thine anger of
those who go astray). That is not one of them who did not receive the light of
guidance and walk in ignorance of the truth of God, the Prophet, and the
teachings of Islam. Who are those who stray and those whom Allah mentioned by
the Qur'an clearly. In Tafsir Ibn Abbas said that the Prophet Muhammad
sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said, "Al yahuudu maghduubun 'alayhim Ashoro
dhooluun wan" (The Jewish God is angry behavior while the Christians lost)
Jews with their behavior is an example of the curse and
wrath of God throughout human history .. because their crimes against
propaganda since the time of Moses until the time we Alaihis Salaam today ...
While Christians often invent a lie against Allah, consequently stirring their
faith in God turvy and mixed with falsehood ... Qur'an repeatedly tells the
story of the Prophet and the stories of the ancients who oppose Allah. They are
misguided and some are Wrath of God ... The stories are meant as a lesson for
Muslims and guide them throughout life.
As a parent, the content of the Qur'an Surah Al-Fatihah very
wide like an ocean that is not trimmed. We explain what this is only a drop of
breadth of knowledge of God in this glorious chapter.
“ Allah knows best”
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