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Sunday 1 November 2015

Return home with a smile and happy.

It is not easy to go home with a smile and happy condition,  when almost 8 hours we were in the office for many things that has to managed and resolved. To ascertain, the problem at the office must be avoid to bring home. So to be a smart person our mind set must be train to distinguish between  office responsibilities and home responsibilities.

Everyday when I am preparing to go home after office hour, I will plan something what I am going to do at home. This habit is to make myself focused to house keeping task that I am going to do for that evening.

“ Today what is the dishes for our dinner” I set mind mapping as drove way home.
"Catfish hot sour curry with durian paste, delicious and rich in omega 3"
“ Better to buy at Tok Guru Market, the fish is fresh  

When reach home I will focus to the task need to be settle. The way I am setting my mind is to recover my energy after 8 hour at office work. The booster of recover the mood and energy I will put intention to do all house keeping jobs is one of the way to gain reward form my Lord Allah at hereafter. These habit make me more focus to complete my home jobs as been schedule. 

By focusing and put our mind to get the most valuable reword from Allah make me doing all the task with the ultimate aim to gain so much ‘pahala’ (reward), this is the most effective booster to regain energy:

My daily routine  when returning home on certain days I   will bring side dishes of vegetables and the like to cook for a family meal. Although the time I get home from the office in deficit at 6 pm, I had yet to make kitchen work such as cleaning fish, vegetables and also cooked rice and side dishes for dinner. After all the work done before  I go to the mosque for  Maghrib and Isha prayers.

I had to train myself to let go home with gusto, this is an important task that I have to clean up as a daily routine since my stroke  wife was  paralyzed side of the body nearly 15 years ago to the present.

I practiced sincerity cause God gave to me in  good  health to take care of household tasks and duties even though I am committed with my office duties  as a Senior Manager in a private company.

Still fresh in my mind the question posted by my office mate on day.
"Nik I am  salute to you, your are able to  take care of the housework alone," praised by Zul while we were chatting in restaurants in one evening.
" I had to Zul, that is my responsibility as husband, I am answerable  to Allah in hereafter”. My respond to Zul.
"You is exemplary husband”.
" No that to much, Just like everyone else," I give a response,
"I has to do all house duties due to my wife sickness, that my services to repay back her sacrifice  to give birth of all my 7 kids”.  My brief explained to Zul. He  nodded his  heads in agreement.

“ The only tips to put a positive attitude to faces all the challenges and hardship is by committed to fulfill the responsibility of husband that been lay down by Allah trough His word in Quran”.
“If done with full responsibility and sincerity of God, we  will give rewards in the hereafter infinite. That motivated me Zul ". I tried to give detail out the reason to Zul.
"If we know how big the reward when we help sick people will be in the Hereafter, for sure we will not lose heart petrified, especially  to assist the patient to take ablution  and dressed for prayers, massive wage Zul". I explain detailed as religious teacher.
"If any help is at about 10 times, 5 times, imagine if we will be rewarded 50 reward a day, according to a description of the teacher merit only in Heaven we will be given the pleasure of living in a palace made ​​of and furnished with  gold  and silver, imagine  the reword  of the blessings that we will be able to get  later, that is the ultimate aim of all the Muslim beliver”.

"So when we been tested with disasters such as severe pain wife who needed help in everything of her daily life needs, there are  a valuable opportunity and  gift from God for us to allow us to get a double reward. Is not that a provision in his name. " I continued the story, Zul listened with attention.

"If we already have this kind of awareness, feeling sad, tired and weary not be felt by us, but we feel grateful and excited about, but more importantly we beg Allah continue to favor health in order to continue the work of helping my stroke wife".

"Then you will prosper." Zul intervene sure sign of my authority.

Such thoughts can make us more energetic  when doing house keeping work  once back from the office.  That's how I used to self motivation to ensure when coming home with a smile and very eagle  to do my  routine work at home. It is more positive thinking if we look to psychology aspect by looking any task  carried out ​​by the husband for the shake of sincerity to obey Allah directive  and God will be rewarded Pahala  in the hereafter.

"What about the wife now" said Ustaz Hj Mohammad during our chatting a few moth ago,
"Thank God, healthier ways of the sick," I told him.
"How long your wife sickness Nik ?". He asked me
"More than 15 years Ustaz".
"MasyaAllah, really lucky Nik, it was a gift of God  to You "
"There's a lot of husband Nik not able to take care his wife during such long period" ustaz tried to give a boost to me.
"Thank God, I was able to do it all with the guidance of Allah".
"Nik  your was lucky in fact, not many of us who get a chance like this!"
"what do you mean by that ustaz ?." I want his explanation.
"The opportunity is tremendous  Nik, as your wife was paralyzed, and you with patience as caregiver to help her  in every thing needed for her daily life,, especially preparation for her to perform prayer (solat) 5 times per day it is a high reword from Allah ".ustaz put more information to me.

"Actually Nik is the level of the lucky ones because given the opportunity by God to withstand the test of his stride. And durability tests Nik accept it patience and sincerely heart that a premier  ticket to haven ". Ustaz said as he stared to my eyes with full of hope.

"God bless utaz. Alhamulillah (thank God ) I hope  able to do the same  daily routine for her, I also pray that God give health to me so that I can  continue be a caregiver to my handicap wife." I tried to give consent from utstaz.

The incident occurred almost 5 years times before, when Utstaz came to our mosque to give motivation talk.  

Those various positive feedback I gain from a few fiend , to be a booster for me to be constantly be  ambitious  person and can go home with peace of mind and always with smile.   At home I can continue the routine of my home duties every day.

This attitude will bring pleasure to do home duties. I can do very well without feeling tired and weary because I have the mind positively that will give strength to the physical condition of my  body. The commitment is so high to perform all responsibilities as a husband to my  wife and family. When viewed from the angle of the teachings of Islam as a husband should give full responsibility to the family to give birth to the children of a filial offspring's results later, this is a factor that highly  encouragement that I always put in mind every time. It has been obstinate in my daily life. And the reward is so great makes myself  will grow eager to return home to fulfill my responsibility  as a husband.


1. A  husband must have the skill  to separate between office duties  and home responsibility. Thus skill will be able for him to be a good leader to their family. The family that was coaching by a good husband will be able to guide their family to a responsible person either to their family and also in the society. The best husband will be a valuable asset to the wife dan to be an idol to their children and grand children.

2.  To be a happy husband whose can go home with smile, the husband must be a person of patience and sincerity. If everything we did with a sincerity , Allah will give the pleasant and the family  can live happier and harmony all the times. This type of husband will be a reference to their family member. If any thing disagree happen in the family, he will be a reference and  all the family member will follow any instruction given by him. This happen  due to respect of their family to him as example that need to be follow, it will become an idol to their children working life challenges. After he become a favorite of the family was sure, whatever views  by the parents related to family issues will be followed by the children and grandchildren . He is the most respected  by the whole family. This situation will create  an atmosphere of mutual respect and  love among family members.

3.      If we put the  job as a God and also will gain a great reward in the hereafter. It can be better and we will not feel tired to do so. Actually this is the way if we attempted to find success in this world and good in the Hereafter as what we often red in  the prayer and after prayer every day.

4.      As a Muslim, hope to get the reward from Allah at the Hereafter is the most effective way to inspire yourself to keep your mind and physical fitness every day. When we have an aim so high and with a thousand hope of God. We will be an internal energy source that can provide a booster to our physical nature to continue working. Thus will be a best technique to stay healthy and keep on active for the whole day.


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