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Friday 28 August 2015


                               LOVE TILL HEAVAN   


From the author

The story is written in this book is based on my experienced in dealing with allegations of God to take care of and maintain my wife destined paralyzed side of the body after brain surgery  on 2 Mac 2001. Surgery is performed by an expert doctor neurosurgeon is the only choice that existed at that time to save my wife life  after she was in a coma for two days  due to  bleeding in the brain. The cases happen to  my wife is related to the genetic that may happen  to a ratio of 100 thousand to150 thousand peoples one person  who experienced this disease. The medical term of the case is   " arteriovenous malformation Venous" (AVM).

Due to the commitment of our love,  we were  marriage on  August 21, 1980, and  leave happily  as husband and wife for the period of 20 years. As the time goes on and the growth of our seven kids ( four sons and three daughters healthy  and peacefully.  God try to test our fortunate love by giving the tragic incident when my lovely wife was suddenly coma for 2 days due to bleeding in the brain on March 2, 2001 may be to test our love and relationship.

This tragic incident began after my wife underwent neurosurgeon to recover her from coma nearly three days, Alhamdulillah thanks to God. Nevertheless she recover from coma, but she was paralysis of the right arm and leg. Anyhow myself  and our children Alhamdulillah to  Almighty Allah for having to save the life of my wife. She was able to survive in this world   up to the present day. Our child can still see the faces of their mother and so also our grandchildren can still fond of "Tokma"  from time to time. Especially when it's Eid-Fitr and Eid al-Adha our house was noisy with the laughter of children and grandchildren. Really happy, we are thankful for Thy mercy of God.

Thanksgiving is why I have promised myself to take care of my  wife forever,  to enable the survival and she can continue to give love to  our children and the most important thing for me is to prove the honesty  of our  love.  and   to take care of our youngest  daughter whose at the time is  4 years old. At that age a children who do not really understand anything problematic situations  and  she  need fully care and love  from her mother until she  grow up perfectly  and able to  be independent.

For this reason I am determined to give time and fully commit the best possible to take care for my wife For  the benefit of our children and families. I am willing to do everything in order to take care of my disable wife during the day, without neglecting my role as head of the family and also as a senior manager in a private company. While keeping the needs of my wife and children at home. I have used all the knowledge and skill of management such as time management, coaching and leadership skill, stress management, self motivation and   economics and religious knowledge in order to achieve my ambition to be the leader of the family and  avoid losing in the middle of the street. Oh  Allah! Give the dedication of mentally and physically effort to me so that I am willing to continue serving my family to full fill my obligation to be a good husband and parent.

Alhamduillah thanks God has given  guidance to me so that I able to keep consistent dedicated effort to enable me acted as "housemaid"  by doing all the house maid task to  take care of my disable wife and  also as caregiver to two elderly mothers. While in office as a senior manager responsible for 500 staff..

Since I am so committed with the intention of our holy love as been mentioned above, and also  due to my commitment to be the best head of the family as recommended by my faith- Islam.  As the time goes on, without any sense of tired or frustrated , myself manage to undergo all the  challenges and doom for 15 years.  Thank God giving to me with patience and fully commit sense of responsibility, my wife situation has improved  a lot achieving nearly 90 % recovery back to normal situation.  Maybe all this is because  God has given guidance to his. When thought back to how I was able to do all this, I myself sometimes do not even think it would be feasible. However, the atmosphere and time has proved that Allah the Almighty, Allah Knowing and Allah full or Rahmmah,   will not give any calamity or   test to   His servants  except  he was able to deal with it. ".........Allahuuakbar…

As a sign of gratitude that I can not describe in words and in writing to the grace of God to me is human dwarf, so as to make myself as a man of patience, perseverance and sincerity to resume the spell of love with my wife ever since we first met until our first get married and have children.  and to continue to foster love  and affection of our holy to this day ...... Thank God. Now my wife and I have reached the age of senior citizens (62 years and my wife of 57 years).

I personally did not expect my personal able to fulfill all the responsibility given to me to take care of  paralyzed wife  of almost 15 years, without feeling bored and tired, even feeling is panting and want to continue to serve for the pure love of our continuing  and evergreen romantic relationship. Some time my personal feeling try to ask myself how I can do all this with a resolute heart, is simply God has bestowed upon me patience, thank God. When the dwarfs themselves are being guided by Him to be a human patient, and also opened the door of the heart to continue to serve with great patience to have been given to understand that what happened to my wife and me was the will of Allah to test His servants.

"Only those who are patient who paid back their reward without limit." (Az-Zumar: 10)
Exactly His word which means "God with those who are patient." Is proven to me.

Therefore with low self I feel is important to share the same experience with our friends  all the sweet  and bitter situation, we both went through to facilitate them facing the challenges with patience and their fortunate love evergreen till to heaven ...... God willing. May story can be  shared by the community as a role model or border, especially to be husband and wife. It also may be used as the boundary line of the spouse of a partner whose facing a chronic disease that requires total care every day. Hopefully we've been through this joy can be made ​​in the guidelines and any weaknesses and imperfections that we have gone through it can also be used as a border so our friends  will not be abandoned to the problem or pain that we went through. Hopefully the story about the vagaries of life we experienced this can be used as my  contribution to  society.  Happy reading.

Oh  Allah give guidance to me  go ahead by a run to continue “Istikomah” responsibility by being a husband and a father to my children. And thou forsake me  and be proud of myself ripple nature, because the ego and proudness  of oneself will prevent to enter to your heaven.   Ameen.

Kota Bharu,
Kelantan, Malaysia.

1 September 2015.

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